The Dubai Mainland Company Formation is an area that is famous for its excellent business friendly infrastructure along with a booming economy that offers great scope of expansion to all entrepreneurs. Driven by the UAE Vision 2021, Dubai, the increasingly dominant hub of technology, is going to be the next big place in internet-based businesses and startups. The companies on the mainland are also known as the onshore companies which are allowed to perform business activities inside the local area and outside of the UAE without any restriction.
If you want to set up a company in Dubai’s mainland, then you will need a UAE National as a local sponsor or otherwise known as a local service agent. Exsolution will help setup your company by finding a local service agent who will be for all intents and purposes absent from the business making process.
Why Mainland Business in Dubai?
- Those who set up a company in the mainland will be completely exempt from the corporate tax.
- It is possible to operate the company from anywhere in the UAE.
- There are no capital requirements for a mainland license.
- There will be no currency restrictions.
- Employment Visas will be easily processed by a mainland company.
- There will be complete repatriation of profits and capital.
- There are no audit requirements.
Dubai mainland is the prime geographical area specified by the department of economic development (DED) in Dubai UAE. All businessmen look for a location for their business that brings them more customers. Finding a perfect location is crucial for any business. If you are establishing a company, then the Mainland is the best area to choose from. Exsolution make the entire journey of your business setup in Dubai, easy and smooth for you.