ISO certification bodies plays an important role in ISO certification. There are many  ISO certified companies in Dubai. ISO Certified companies are those companies that are more focused on improving the quality of products and services. They help us to find out the faults in the working of the company. Once the faults are found, they help us to bring solution to the problem. They target on improving the quality of the product. All organization can apply for ISO certification. ISO certification helps to attain, trust from suppliers, clients and workers in the organization. When third party visits the company for certification, the companies can help the organization to attain certification. Exsolution group in Dubai provides ISO certification assistance ( group focuses on quality services.

ISO represents International Organization for Standardization. ISO in Greek means“Equal”. ISO has a network institutes in 157 countries. It's Central Secretariat is in Geneva (Switzerland). It was established on February 23, 1947. ISO is a non-governmental organization. It deals with the worlds largest developer of International standards. It acts has a bridge between public and private sector. ISO has published 22306 International Standards and related documents. It covers almost every industry, from technology to food safety, to agriculture and


  1. ISO certification gives you an advantage of developing your business internationally

  2. ISO certification helps to improve the branding of the company, due to its enhance quality of products and services.
  3. ISO certification institutes gives assistance to develop SOP’s & work Instructions for all processes. ISO implementations helps you to manage the whole system efficiently.
  4. Government wants ISO certification for government tenders
  5. Focus on product quality is the primary motive of the company with ISO certification. It reduces the flaw in the product or services.
  6. ISO standards meet customer requirements and hence customer satisfaction is met. Customer satisfaction increase the brand awareness of the product.



  • Objectives regarding quality
  • Fitness for purpose of the monitoring
  • Criteria for selection of suppliers
  • Details of training, skills, experience and qualifications
  • Criteria for evaluation
  • Requirements review records
  • QMS Scope
  • Record about design
  • Customer property
  • Record about development
  • Policy regarding Quality
  • Characteristics of services
  • Results of review in management
  • Records of design
  • Monitoring and measuring records
  • Record of development controls
  • Production records
  • Records of development outputs
  • Characteristics of product
  • Record of product/services
  • Record of outputs
  • Monitoring
  • Measuring results
  • Audit program
  • Fitness for the purpose of measurement
  • Results of audits
  • Corrective actions