ISO 22000

ISO 22000:2018 is the newly revised International Food Safety standard, designed to harmonize on a global scale the requirements for food safety management for businesses within the food chain.

ISO 22000 is an internationally recognised standard that combines the ISO 9001 approach to food safety management and HACCP for the assurance of food safety at all levels. The standard maps out how an organisation can demonstrate its ability to control safety hazards to ensure that food is safe.

What does ISO 22000 require?

ISO 22000 requires that you build a Food Safety Management System. This means that you will have a documented system in place and fully implemented throughout your facility that includes:

  • Effective Prerequisite Programs in place to ensure a clean sanitary environment
  • A Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Plan developed to identify, prevent and eliminate food safety hazards
  • Established documented food safety management system processes to manage food safety throughout  your organization – from management and business planning aspects to day to day communication and operations affecting food safety.

Principles of HACCP

  • Conduct a Hazard Analysis
  • Identify the Critical Points
  • Establishing a Limit
  • Establishing a Criteria
  • Establishing Monitoring Procedures
  • Establish Corrective Actions
  • Establish Record Keeping procedures
  • Establish Verification Process.

The difference between  HACCP and ISO 22000

Where as HACCP is focuses purely on food safety, ISO goes further. ISO also looks at business processes and structures. ISO certification is independent, which means that an organisation can decide for itself whether it wants to embrace it or not. It is expected that many companies will convert their HACCP certificate into a certificate based on ISO 22000 in the near future. After all, ISO is more quickly accepted at home and abroad and can be combined with other ISO standards to achieve optimum efficiency.