The ISO 9001 Certification process is a much coveted quality management system certification everywhere around the world, and getting one in the Middle East is no exception either. With the sprawling mega city that is Dubai, there will be several companies wishing that they had secured this coveted certificate for themselves because when they make a contract with a client, it is often a pre-requisite that they be certified with an ISO 9001 Certification in Dubai so that they can be reassured of the quality of the services and the products that are delivered to them.
To get an ISO 9001 Certification in Dubai, you need to have put in place a documented quality management system with an ISO 9001 Quality Manual and ISO 9001 Procedure as a sign that you control the processes within your organization to ensure that you achieve product and service conformance in a consistent manner. It also envisages a system that measures your customer’s satisfaction with your services and products as well as one that continually improve upon your current system.
A Quality manual is a document that describes your quality system and says how it should operate. It should contain a quality policy – the position or approach that your organisation takes on quality; Measurable quality objectives – what you plan to achieve and how you will assess or measure if you did or did not; The ISO 9001 Procedure is usually that states what will be done, by whom and when. These set of instructions describes what can be done on a daily basis so that your work and productivity can be maximized and consequently have a greater client base and revenue.
The document is accessible to all, and sure any organisation needing an ISO Certification in Dubai, it is better if there is a universal access involved in the auditing process instead of belonging only to the top tier of the population. Though the number of procedures will vary according to the size of the population, there are a certain number of procedures that is mandatory for anyone who undertakes the ISO 9001 Certification in Dubai.
They are
- Control of Documents: Control the documents required by the quality management system. So it is kind necessary for you to establish a procedure to
- Approve documents for adequacy prior to release
- Review, update as necessary, and re-approve documents
- Identify the changes and current document revision status
- Make relevant documents available at points of use
- Ensure the documents remain legible and readily identifiable
- Identify external documents and control their distribution
- Prevent obsolete documents from unintended use
- Apply suitable identification if obsolete documents are retained
- Control of Records: Establish and control records as evidence of conformity to requirements and to demonstrate the effective operation of the quality management system.
You need to establish a documented procedure to define the controls needed for the record:
- Identification
- Storage
- Protection
- Retrieval
- Retention
- Disposition
- Keep records legible, readily identifiable, and retrievable.
- Internal Audits: This is the actual auditing procedure where they will check that your process is compatible with the ISO 9001 Requirement and your own very specific requirements. It also consists of the reporting, follow-ups and records of these audits.
- Control of Non-conforming Product: This is done to ensure that none of the products which were not complying with the standard and the requirements enter the workforce.
- Corrective Action: This is a written procedure to ensure that root causes of problems are identified and proper actions are taken to correct them.
- Preventive Action: Similar to the corrective action step but in this case the company is obliged to action before the actual error happens and eliminate them.
For you to get an ISO 9001 Certification in Dubai, you should be aware of the organisations involved in the certification process – the certification body. This body is an independent organisation which has been accredited to perform the certification audits to the requirements of ISO 9001. The Accreditation is carried out by the Accreditation Body which is part of the International Accreditation Forum, it ensures that that the certification bodies that assess your quality management system do so in an efficient and competent manner.
So you should ensure that the certification happens with all these factors in place, and if your compromise even on small thing then it you might end up with a fraudulent certificate from a phony organisation. This will seriously damage your reputation and even to a point where there can be no return from your situation. So, when go for the ISO 9001 Certification in Dubai, and then be sure to be on your toes so that no one can swindle you and that everything is accounted for from top to the bottom.