
The demands for the ISO 27001 is getting louder and louder since more and more organisations are  using Information Technology to run their operations, and along with this comes the difficulty of building a framework that will keep their information private and safe. Technology such as Cloud Computing is now ubiquitous, and the ISO 9001 is almost a default for any serious business, and this might compel you to adopt both standards, for this, there is the option for you to create an Integrated Management System that will be compliant with the requirements of both the standards.


You will need to create a system which will be able to integrate both the standards of ISO 9001 and ISO 27001. But this does not that you will only need to focus on those aspects which are related to complying with the requirements of these two standards, but also the aspects which are related to the shortcuts and the easier to achieve goals. The trick is to speed up the implementation process by trying on tactics such as these in your business processes:

iso-9001Understand your uniqueness: This means analysing the type of organisation that you are, and having that play an important part in identifying all the internal as well as external issues that have got to do with the business processes inside your industry. It must be noted that ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 both deal with different issues can be achieved within the same framework.

Those who are interested: When you take into account the interested parties who will be interested in you doing both the ISO 9001 and the ISO 27001 Certification, you will run into people who are interested in and this might cause a problem. But, nevertheless, you will be able to resolve all issues and find the common ground to comply with the requirements for both the imsstandards.

Responsibility and Authority: The implementation of this Integrated will require a certain amount of responsibilities to be charged with people, but this one is not similar to that of the other standards, but will require identifying the responsibilities after defining them first.

Other Processes: The processes that are often involved with the implementation of other standards will have to be executed here as well, but one within the framework of the Integrated Management System. Therefore, the methods have to be an amalgamation of both the ISO 9001 and the ISO 27001.

internalauditInternal Auditing and management review: All of the auditing processes will be the same essentially, except for the requirements and the review inputs for both the internal and external. Whether you want to have the internal auditing or the management review, it will depend on upon the size and complexity of your organisation.

With all these things that are there common with them, the idea of creating an Integrated Management System has substantial credence. Although, there are things that are different in a fundamental sense – ISO 9001 is focused on quality of the products and services as well as to customer satisfaction, while ISO 27001 is about the information security.

Of course, these differences are only fundamental and when taken on a higher surface, these differences are supplementing each other – the information security aspect of the company will provide safety to actualise the company’s capacities, while the quality management will give the confidence to go ahead. Despite this there is difference between the ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 that will cause conflicts, here are those issues:

Information Security Risk Assessment: A methodology has to be developed for identifying and evaluating information security risks, but there is a process for identifying and addressing the risks and opportunities when trying to implement the ISO 9001 Standard and there should not be a conflict between both of them.


Benefits of an Integrated Management System will be more than the sum of two parts, but will instead cause a synergy to be released and this will enable you to save time and resources in the maintenance and improvement of the management system. The Integrated Management System will be composed of the best international practices, and therefore you can demonstrate compliance to both the ISO 9001 and the ISO 27001 to the customers, certification bodies, as well as the regulatory authorities.